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5g connections in the 2020s. Italian ministry of economic development takes action to test commercial networks. a workshop at the internet festival in pisa to share research results

Publication date: 09.10.2018
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The 5G Action Plan is a strategic initiative, which concerns all stakeholders, private, public, in all EU Member States, and worldwide, to meet the challenge of making this next-generation technology a reality for all citizens and businesses by 2020. On 16 March 2017, the Italian Ministry of Economic Development launched a call for proposals targeting the commercial network large-scale introduction by the end of 2020 and availability of 3.6 – 3.8 GHz radio spectrum.

The “Internet nell’era del 5G” workshop organized by Sant’Anna School with the scientific supervision of Professor Luca Valcarenghi from TeCIP (Communication, Information and Perception) Institute will be held on October 12 at the Internet Festival 2018 event in Pisa. Promoting Italian multi-stakeholder trials as catalysts to turn technological innovation into full business solutions, the Ministry representatives and researchers working at the TeCIP Institute will discuss the results feeding the global standardisation process in cooperation with several key sectors.

As the industry prepares to deploy 5G in the 2020s (more than 26 billion devices are expected to be connected to the Internet thanks to 5G innovations), wireless broadband services will provide data connections above 10 Gigabits per second, latency below five milliseconds and the capability to exploit any available wireless resources and to handle millions of connected devices simultaneously.

Sant’Anna School participates in the partnership for the 5G-TRANSFORMER project from the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. The 5G-TRANSFORMER project, funded with 8 million euros, has the objective to develop an interoperable platform ecosystem that supports new applications connecting devices and objects (the Internet of Things) allowing innovative business models across multiple sectors (transport, health, manufacturing, logistics, energy, media and entertainment).

Sant’Anna School researchers and TIM company members are now performing Bari-Matera cluster tests over the 5G connection. Members of TeCIP research team supervised by Professor Valcarenghi are among the recipients of the IEEE Communications Society Charles Kao Award  2018 and their Virtual EPC Recovery Experiment in SoftFIRE – VeriFIRE testbed was crowned the first prize winner at the third Fed4FIRE Engineering Conference in Paris. The VeriFIRE project aimed at evaluating the performance of resilience schemes for virtualized mobile network functions (e.g. LTE-A, 5G), and addressing latency, adaptability and availability requirements of 5G applications.

The “Internet nell’era del 5G” workshop will be held on Friday, 12 October 2018, 3.00 pm at Centro Congressi Le Benedettineroom B, Piazza San Paolo a Ripa d’Arno, Pisa.